Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but Words will never Hurt…well in some Cases they might…

               Linda Chavez begins her article with those 6 words to let us know that she thinks respect in a public setting is important.  She wanted us to know that so she could explain the civility of some words and if they are respectful or not.
                Chavez uses the word bellicose in her article to show that for a very long time politicians use bellicose metaphors in their campaign speeches.  Those kind of metaphors like “he took his best shot” or “rounds” both have something to do with guns which just shows that in debates politicians use aggressively hostile metaphors.  And unfortunately in our society today people take offense to those kinds of things.  Which in turn makes the rest of the world censor what they say and it would not be fair to those people who have to limit what they can or cannot say. 
                Chavez wants the reader to know that some words can be derogatory in a way but that is only if they are used in the wrong context.  But if they are used in the right way they can help understand more about the importance of the word in that context.  An example Chavez uses that helps show her purpose is the replacing of words in “Huckleberry Finn”.  Taking out those words takes out the importance of character and diction in the book which then deprives the student of knowing great literature.
                I agree with Chavez I think that limiting ourselves because people may take words in a wrong way is not fair because it limits our right of freedom of speech.

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