Sunday, February 6, 2011

To Speak or Not To Speak

In this whole experience of not talking on Friday I intended to not talk AT ALL, but of course it was very hard and slipped up many times.  It was especially frustrating when I would try to draw or act it out and no one could guess what it was.  One especially hard experience was trying to communicate in the office because every single office aide was in AP Language, so no one could talk.  Which in turn meant no one could answer the phones.  But Mrs. P and Mrs. LeFevre were both very considerate in trying to understand what we were trying to say.  Along with the office aide experience it was really tough watching other people talk and not being able to say anything because talking is what I love to do!  This loss of talking was very difficult for me and has shown me that talking is very important in the way I live my life because how else would I be able to portray how I feel without speaking?!  This whole experience has shown me the importance of spoken language.

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