Thursday, December 2, 2010

Quantity or Quality?

1. Borghardt's Sermon Diagnostic
Number of times = 24
Verbs =          makes you holy
                Sets apart saints
                Took on sin and died for us
                Is lamb
                Lives again
                Dies rose and reigns
                Makes us alive and dead no more
2.       Edwards’ and Borghardt’s themes were polar opposites.  Jonathon’s theme was to basically scare us.  He explains with the harshest tone that we are all dead and would suffer under God’s wrath.  He describes this for an eternity, and then for not even a paragraph he finally tells us that we are saved through Christ.  Edwards only mentions Christ maybe 4 times unlike Borghardt who mentions Christ at least 24 times.  Borghardt’s theme was more comforting telling us that we are all saved through Christ’s death and we are his saints and we should rejoice and be happy in Him.


  1. I love the choice of your words like "polar oppisites." It really helps you understand how different the two sermons actually are. You did a good job explain the differences between the two themes! Keep up the good work!

  2. i like how you said how many times Jesus is said in each sermon. it shows what their sermon is about and how much they mention the gospel message in their sermon
